Sunday, September 26, 2010

26/9/10- self urine & hair loss

yesterday i tried to self urine..
from 10am-5pm, every < 2hrs, i'll try go urine.
it was unsuccessful..
am discouraged..

at 5pm i go try again.. but stomach pain..
so end up pass motion..
as i use some force, some urine also come out...
i realise i think i need to use abit of strength to urine..

thereafter i tried again 2 times in evening..
n i successfully urine 250ml n 200ml..
there's also excess urine in the bag...
means i only urine out 40-50% of bladder

went online search regarding bladder..
finally found how bladder looks like..
my opening is at pelvic area..
i suspect the tube inside bladder is near to the "wall"..
tats why when i pump, got blood..
maybe "hurt" the wall of bladder...

anyway bladder can hold up to 1litre or 2 cups of water..
think my bladder can only hold max 700-800ml..
cos today overflow again..
i try self urine today..
most times successful with variation in volume..
but overflow 2 times, both more than 700ml..

now i know i can only drink max 500ml, then try self urine again..
drink 500ml, will urine ard tat vol too..
drink too little, gana block..
drink too much, gana overflow...

tmr go see doc..
i hope can remove tmr..
alot of hair loss last 3 days...
pillow alot hair, seat alot hair..

feels weird n sad tat hair drop..
can see patches... :(
private area hair also drop..
i lightly pull my eyebrow.. will also fall off easily..
dare not pull eye lash oh..

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