Thursday, August 19, 2010

Diagnose with cervix cancer 4/8/2010

Wed, Today I went to kk to see my colposcope result.
I saw the report stating carcinoma in situ.
I knew I gana cervix cancer.

I'm really sad.
However, doc unable to tell wat stage, hence she arrange me to do a laser cone biopsy the following thur (12/8).

I went home, told da gu n 2 gu.
Da gu ask me go for 2nd advice.
She referred me her gyne

My thots/feelings:
-mix feelings
-my illness cover is alot alot, hence if its claimable stage, I'll be able to claim a lot of $$. Funny I even ask kk gyne will I be able to claim my critical illness insurance
-my hospital plan is 100% private hospital coverage, hence I'm also in "peace of mind" when it comes to hospital bill.
-but I'm only 30, no kids yet.
-duno how dear n his parents will see me.
-i chk online n found out if I remove my whole utuerus, then I cannot get pregnant.
-wat will tat make me? Not a woman anymore?
-luckily dear is ok without a kid. We dare not tell his parents yet. Since duno how bad is the cancer.
-i feel really fortunate tat dear is v understanding n dun mind not having kids.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.

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